Discipline Policies

Cell Phone Policy

The school acknowledges the right of a pupil to bring a cellular phone to school.  These phones may, however, not be used on our premises for any purpose (calling, SMS’ing or web browsing) unless with the permission of, and in the presence of a teacher or administrative employee of the school.

1.    The School discourages the bringing of cellphones onto the property.

2.    The School accepts no responsibility for the loss / damage to cellphones / memory or SIM cards.

3.    The School merely provides a facility for the safe-keeping of cellphones.  Cellphones are kept in the safes provided or handed in at owner’s risk.

4.    It is expected that all learners lock away or hand in cellphones at the beginning of the school day.

5.    Children accept that they take personal responsibility for their cellphones / memory cards / SIM cards.

6.    Children may not lend cellphones / memory cards, etc. to other children while on the property.

7.    Cellphones may not be used at all on the school premises.

8.    Learners are discouraged from using cellphones while on the pavements of the School.

9.    Cellphones may not be taken on School outings / Day Trips / Tours.

10.   The onus is on learners to adhere to arrangements for the safe-keeping of cellphones at extra murals.  Once again
this is done at owner’s risk.

11.    Learners found to be in possession of cellphones during tests/ exams will face disciplinary action.

12.    Learners not adhering to recommendations concerning cellphones will face disciplinary action.

13.    Any learner found in possession of stolen property will face severe disciplinary action.

14.    It is important to note that the SAPS and cellphone companies can trace stolen cellphones.

15.    Should a cellphone ring or emit a received message tone, the cell phone will be confiscated and returned at the end of
the term.  Pupils will be permitted to retain the SIM card of the phone.

16.    If learners are caught with any undesirable/illegal material on their cellphones, the cellphone will be confiscated and
further disciplinary action will be instituted.

Code of Conduct

Edgemead Primary School Learners Code of Conduct


1.1    The school recognizes the need and right of learners, teachers and all other school personnel to live, work and play in an orderly, safe and stimulating educational environment; as well as the responsibility of all in the school to work towards attaining and maintaining this ideal.
1.2    Integral to this Code of Conduct are the provisions of the Constitution, the SA Schools Act and other Laws, and the School’s Codes of Behaviour, incorporating or including the School Rules.
1.3    The Code of Conduct and School Rules apply to all school-related and school-sponsored activities, including sport, cultural and recreational activities; also tours, trips, dances, functions and meetings, and on transport to or from school, or to or from school activities.
1.4    They also apply in public, off the school premises and/or outside of school hours, if the learner can be identified as a member of the School.
1.5    Any criminal action by a learner, whether at school or not, will be regarded as a breach of this Code of Conduct, and the school will be entitled to take action against, and impose punishments on, a learner found guilty of any criminal act.
1.6    It is not possible to list the behaviour required of learners in every circumstance. However, it is required of all learners to act, dress and behave sensibly, decently and in accordance with the codes of behaviour generally accepted in the community served by the school.  This is so, even if such actions or behaviour are not specifically either required or barred in terms of the other sections of this code.

General Conduct

2.1    A learner is expected to treat all people with whom he has contact, with respect and dignity.
2.2    No learner may perform a criminal act.
2.3    No learner may be in possession of, or use, any of the following: drugs, chemical substances, tobacco, alcohol, alcoholic drinks, weapons or other objects which could cause harm or injury: pornographic or otherwise objectionable objects, reading matter, pictures, videos or other material: nor may he/she pass them on, give them to, sell them, buy them or keep them for, any other person. Random searches, seizures and drug testing may be used to uncover such misdemeanours, but they must be carried out by the principal or his/her delegate.
2.4    The use of slovenly, uncouth, foul, blasphemous, sexist or racist language is not permitted.
2.5    Lying, cheating, stealing, copying or dishonesty in any form are not permitted.

Conduct towards  others

3.1    A learner may not hurt, harm or endanger any other person.
3.2    Anything belonging to another person, body or organization, including this and other schools, may not be damaged, defaced, spoiled, polluted, used, taken, stolen or borrowed without the express permission of the owner.
3.3    Indiscreet sexual behaviour, teasing, bullying, emotional abuse, racist or sexist signals, comments, remarks or actions, or any form of initiation, are not acceptable.

Conduct towards the school

Every learner is expected to:
4.1    Attend school regularly and punctually.
4.2    Work to the best of his ability.
4.3    Behave in a way that does not disrupt learning or the functioning of the school or any activity in it.
4.4    Carry out lawful and reasonable instructions given by anyone in authority.
4.5    Behave, dress and attend to his personal grooming in such a way that the good name of neither the school nor learner is brought into disrepute.
4.6    Participate in the extra-curricular activities which give the school its special nature, as and when required to do so in terms of the rules and regulations of the school, as made known from time to time.

Conduct regarding school rules

A learner may not break, ignore or disobey any of the school rules as drawn up and publicized by the principal or other competent authority, and amended from time to time as circumstances require.

Categories of offences

6.1    Breaking of measures listed under General Conduct and/or Conduct Towards Others, is regarded as a Category 1 offence.  Category 1 offences may be dealt with by the school, or they may be referred to the SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY for resolution.
6.2    Repeated breaking of measures, regardless of the category of misdemeanor, shall also be regarded as a category 1 offence.
6.3    The occasional or non-repetitive or isolated breaking of measures listed under Conduct Towards the School or Conduct Regarding School Rules, will be regarded as a category 2 offence, and corrective action/punishment will be handled by the principal or teacher or other school official delegated thereto by the principal, within the dictates of the relevant legislation.

Disciplinary hearings

7.1    A learner appearing at an SGB disciplinary hearing must be accompanied by his parent or parents, or a person designated by his parent.
7.2    Should the SGB believe that testifying at a disciplinary hearing would expose a witness under 18 years of age to undue mental stress or suffering, it may appoint an intermediary through whom the witness shall give evidence.
7.3    At such disciplinary hearing, the interests of the learner and any other party involved in the disciplinary process must be safeguarded.

7.4    After a hearing which has followed due process and given effect to the above provisions, the SGB may impose any legal and appropriate punishment up to and including recommendation for expulsion.
Amended October 2009

Disciplinary Procedures


Edgemead Primary School is committed to providing an environment for the delivery of quality education by promoting the rights of all learners, teachers and parents. The purpose and aim of our Disciplinary Procedures is to ensure and inculcate learners’ responsibility for their own actions and behaviours, to prohibit all forms of unfair discrimination and intolerance and to eliminate disruptive and offensive conduct by our learners.

These Disciplinary Procedures spell out the expectations regarding learner behaviour at our school and describe the disciplinary system to be implemented by the school. The Code of Conduct applies to all learners while they are on the school premises or when they are away from school representing it or attending a school related function.

Discipline Policy

1. Policy Aim and Objective

1.1    To create and instill a sense of self – discipline and order within the school where all learners will have the opportunity to grow and develop in structured and positively controlled environment.

1.1.1    All punishment issued to learners must be:

1.1.2    Fair
1.1.3    Reasonable
1.1.4    Appropriate to the offence committed by the learner
1.1.5    Relatively immediate
1.1.6    Acceptable and humane in nature

2.  Disciplinary Methodology – Level 1 Offences

2.1    Internal disciplinary procedure within each classroom resides under the control and supervision of the class educator at the time.
2.2    Minor transgressions, misbehaviour and offences pertaining to work and task completion are handled internally and independently with the direct co-operation of the parents where necessary.
2.3    All minor transgressions must be entered onto the Learner’s Portfolio.
2.4    When punishment work is issued it is recommended to issue work academic in nature and not the completion of lines.
2.5    Learners may not be barred from attending classes for an extended period of time without the express permission of the principal.
2.6    Three Level 1 offences committed by a learner will result in that learner being placed into a grade detention.
2.7    Educators are not permitted to keep classes after school without prior notification to parents.

3.  Disciplinary Methodology – Level 2 Offences

3.1    A standardized policy for the maintenance of disciplinary structures within the grade resides under the direct control of the grade’s Head of Department.
3.2    Transgressors of major offences are referred to the Head of Department for immediate inclusion into a detention class which will be held on a specific day under the supervision of educators on a rotational basis.
3.3    The name of the learner will be entered into the grade detention book stating the offence(s) committed by the learner.
3.4    The learner’s detention will also be entered into the Learner’s Profile.
3.5    A detention notification will be sent home informing the parent(s)/guardian of the detention and the reasons for the detention class.
3.6    The notification must be sent to parents at least 3 days before the detention date.
3.7    The detention notification must be counter signed by the principal or deputy principals before going to parent(s).
3.8    On the third referral to grade detention in the same term, the learner will be sent to the principal who will arrange a meeting with the parent(s) to discuss transgressions and intervention strategies.

4. Discipline Methodology – Level 3 Offences

4.1    Control of Level 3 offences resides with the principal, deputy principals and the Governing Body Disciplinary Committee.
4.2    Level 3 offences committed by a learner will result in immediate parental contact and intervention.
4.3    Learners guilty of misconduct of an extremely serious nature will be referred to the Governing Body Disciplinary Committee for a disciplinary hearing.
4.4    Learners found guilty of serious misconduct/defiance by the Governing Body Disciplinary Committee could face suspension from school as a disciplinary measure for a period not exceeding 7 school days.
4.5    Recommendations for expulsion of a learner from school by the Governing Body Disciplinary Committee will be forwarded to the Circuit Manager and the Head of Institution for ratification.
4.6    The hearing outcome and minutes of the hearing will be entered into the Learner’s Portfolio.
4.7    All disciplinary hearings will be conducted according to the terms and regulations as set out in the South African Schools Act (1990).

Offence Grading

Level One Offences

Punishable by demerits and Grade detention classes

1.  Books forgotten at home.
2.  Books not covered.
3.  Reply slip at home.
4.  Hair not cut.
5.  Homework book not signed.
6.  Books not handed in.
7.  P.E. clothes at home.
8.  Incomplete homework.
9.  Untidy work.
10. Incomplete assignments.
11. Talking in class.
12. Unprepared oral.
13. Test book not signed.
14. Busy with other things.
15. Lack writing instruments.
16. Unsatisfactory completion of work.

Level Two Offences

Punishable by demerits and Grade detention classes

1.  Copying of homework.
2.  Absence without permission.
3.  Soiled bathroom.
4.  Littering in class and on the playground.
5.  Damaging plants.
6.  Disrespect to an educator.
7.  Coming late for class.
8.  Eating in class.
9.  Incorrect book case.
10. Bullying fellow learner.
11. Playing dangerous games.
12. Throwing wet toilet paper against ceiling.
13. Running in passages.
14. Bad behaviour.
15. Chewing gum.
16. Coming late for school.
17. Writing on other learner’s property.
18.  AWOL from school.
19. Dishonesty.
20. Bad manners
21. Disobedience.
22. Riding of bicycle, skateboard or push scooter on school grounds.
23. Throwing objects at other learners.
24. Playing in passages.
25. Disruption of the class.
26. Playing with toys in class.
27. Bunking a period.
28. Damage to handbooks.
29. Dress code offence.
30. Not following hair regulations.
31. Swearing.
32. Chronic absence.
33. Don’t care attitude.

Level Three Offences

Punishable by detention classes, possible disciplinary hearing, suspension or expulsion.

1.  Assault.
2.  Fighting.
3.  Serious damage to property.
4.  Chronic absence.
5.  Possession of pornographic or erotic material.
6.  Possession of a weapon.
7.  Theft.
8.  Aggressive behaviour.
9.  Dishonesty in a test or an examination.
10. Serious disruption of class routine.
11. Disregard for authority.
12. Swearing at an educator.
13. Satanism.
14. Smoking.
15. Rape
16. Use of alcohol or habit forming substances.
17. Regular bunking of school.
18. Vandalism.
19. Destructive behaviour.
20. Writing obscene letters containing swearwords or unacceptable drawings.
21.  Sexual molestation.
22. Insolent behaviour.
23. Reject ethos of school.
24. Entering out of bounds areas stipulated in our Code of Conduct.

Disciplinary Protocol


1.1.    The South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 (“the Act”), section 8(1) empowers a governing body to maintain discipline in a School;

1.2.    The Governing Body of the School, recognises and acknowledges that the primary responsibility to implement and maintain discipline within the School, rests with the Principal, Deputy Principals, Heads of Department/Grade, and Educators (“the Staff”);

1.3.    The Governing Body recognises further, that the disciplinary measures available to the Staff are limited and in some cases ineffective;

1.4.    In light of the above, and in fulfilment of Section 8(1) as set out above, the Governing Body has adopted this Protocol to assist the Staff Members in the fulfilment of their disciplinary function. 

Disciplinary Code

This Protocol does not replace the Disciplinary Codes and Procedures in place at the School (“the Disciplinary Codes”).  It must be read in conjunction with the said Codes and Procedures, and regarded as a supplementary measure to maintain discipline in the School.

Disciplinary Forum

3.1.    The Governing Body will, in accordance with this Protocol, establish a Disciplinary Forum consisting of 2 Parent Members, an Educator Member and the Principal or his delegated representative;

3.2.    The Disciplinary Forum will not fulfill a disciplinary role within the formal disciplinary functions of the Disciplinary Codes (e.g. disciplinary inquiries), but will be required to fulfill the objectives as set out in this Protocol.


4.1.    This protocol will be applicable to incidents of misconduct by a Learner that are serious enough to justify intervention, but do not meet the requirements for the convening of a formal disciplinary inquiry in accordance with the Disciplinary Codes.

4.2.    For purposes of 3.1 above, an “incident” is defined as single act of misconduct serious enough to warrant the initiation of action, or alternatively a pattern of misconduct that cumulatively justifies such intervention.


The initiation of this Protocol may be at the instance of any Staff member, subject to the following procedures:

5.1.    The Staff member must submit a written request that the Protocol be initiated;

5.2.    The written request must be addressed to, and reviewed by the Principal, in consultation with the Deputy Principals, and relevant Head of Department/Grade;

5.3.    If, in the opinion of the parties mentioned in 5.2 above, the request warrants the initiation of the Protocol, the written request will be submitted to the designated Parent member of the Disciplinary Forum for action.  The written request submitted, may be amplified/supplemented by the parties mentioned in 5.2 above.

5.4.    The written request submitted must contain sufficient information as to the facts of the matter(s) so as to ensure that the Disciplinary Forum has a comprehensive understanding as to the nature of the issues at hand.


6.1.    On receipt of the request, the designated Parent member of the Governing Body will proceed to convene a meeting of the Disciplinary Forum (“the meeting”), together with the Parents/Guardians of the Learner concerned;

6.2.    The above meeting must be convened within 3 weeks of receipt of the written request;

6.3.    Attendance of the Learner at the said meeting, can be at the discretion of the Parents/Guardians;

6.4.    By agreement, additional parties (e.g. psychologist) may be invited to attend the meeting.

Objective of the Meeting

7.1.    The objective of the meeting will be to reach agreement on a mutually beneficial course of action to remedy and/or eliminate the misconduct/pattern of misconduct; and/or

7.2.    Advise the Learner and/or Parents/Guardians as to the course of action to be adopted by the School;

Meeting Process/Format

8.1.    The meeting will follow a consultative process, where all parties are given an opportunity to engage in the process;

8.2.     The objectives of the Protocol must be explained to the attending parties;

8.3.    The format of the meeting must be informal, but should cover the following elements:

8.3.1.    A detailed explanation as to the nature of misconduct being experienced, and the impact that such misconduct is having on the learning environment;

8.3.2.    An explanation of the disciplinary inquiry process that may be followed by the School in the event of formal action being required;

8.3.3.    An opportunity for the Parents/Guardians and/or Learner (if in attendance) to respond;

8.3.4.    A determination as to a course of action to be followed to remedy the behaviour of the Learner.

8.4.    The Disciplinary Forum may exercise a discretion to depart from the above elements should the process justify such a departure; however, such a departure must not infringe on the principle of fairness, that must always be present.

Rights of the Learner

Nothing contained in the Protocol shall detract and or infringe upon the rights of the Learner as set out in the Act.


All elements of the process implemented in terms of this Protocol must remain confidential.

Date of Implemntation

This protocol was ratified by the Governing Body on the ____________, to be implemented on the _________________.


Drug and Alcohol Policy


1.    Smoking will refer to the use or abuse of any cigarettes, cigars, pipes or marijuana.
2.    Alcohol will be any form of liquid that has an alcohol content as part of its volume.
3.    Drugs will refer to any narcotic or habit forming substance in any form whether taken orally, nasally or intravenously.

Code of Conduct

Any form of smoking, the use or abuse of alcohol and the taking of any form of drug is in direct contravention of our school’s Code of Conduct.


1.    Disciplinary measures relating to smoking, alcohol or the use and abuse of drugs will be handled by the principal and the Governing Body of the school.
2.    All disciplinary measures will be conducted and implemented as stated in the South African School’s Act : Section 8 (1-5) of 1996.
3.    The involvement of outside authorities (police and or counselors) will be at the discretion of the principal and the governing body of the school.
4.    Smoking, alcohol and use and abuse of any form of drug will be regarded as serious misconduct on the part of the learner.


1.    It is the policy of this school to educate learners and to be proactive to assist in eliminating potential alcohol, smoking or drug related problems.
2.    Alcohol/smoking and drug awareness is part of the teaching curriculum in grades 6 and 7.  Reference is also made to this in all other grades.
3.    In grade 6 this programme forms part of the Life Skills learning area.
4.    In grade 7 this programme forms part of the Literacy and Communication as well as the Life Skills learning areas.
5.    This programme highlights the dangers and the consequences of any form of substance abuse that the learner may encounter.
6.    All learners will be made aware of orgnaisations for information, assistance and counseling.

a)    Cape Town Drug Counseling Centre – 021 8526065
b)    Bridges – 021 9454080
c)    SANCA – South African Centre for Alcohol and Drug Dependence.

Educators and Non-Educators Amendment

1.    No educator, non educator or visiting parents may smoke in any venue within the school building.
2.    Educators are not permitted to smoke when in direct contact with pupils.  This includes camps, outings and sporting/cultural events.
3.    Alcohol may not be consumed in the company or view of learners while educators are performing their duties.