Extra Mural Activities

Our Grade 6 and 7 Cheer Team, run by Mrs van Zyl S, is focused on growing the school spirit. We are not only practicing house war cries for sports days, but we are also creating traditions. We also focus on dancing, choreography, and rhythmic beats. The learners have this unique opportunity to offer input and their own creativity to create a cheer team that represents their own wonderful personalities, their respective house, as well as our school.

Clubs and Societies

Our Grade 6 and 7 Art Club, run by Mrs van Zyl S, gives the learners the opportunity to be themselves and explore art techniques that go above and beyond the school curriculum. They will also have the opportunity to contribute to the art room murals, be a part of the prop building team for the school production this year, and to explore a variety of group art collaboration projects. Art Club is focused on giving the learners a space where they can express themselves freely.


General Knowledge at EPS has two entities which operate independently.  We have a club and our school teams. (Interschool and Interhouse). Below is a short explanation of each.

The club practices every Tuesday from 14:15 – 15:00 in the school library.  It is open to children from grades 5 – 7.  We discuss current affairs and encourage the children to bring in articles of interest.  A very popular activity is our weekly quiz.  We put a lot of emphasis on revision in order to improve retention of information.


The Interschool team consists of the top 6 children in the school.
The Interhouse teams consists of the top 4 children in each house.









Ignite is a super duper club of learners who love Jesus and meet once a week in the library at 07:15. They meet under the guidance of Miss Goetze (School Shop Administrator) and Mrs Siganda (Counselor).  In that time, they do crafts, have a bible story, share prayer time and just hang out together and learn more about being a Christian.  Ignite is open to all students from Gr 1 – Gr 7. 

Sports and Activities


Sport Guidelines


1.         Edgemead Primary Sports Philosophy

2.         Scope and Purpose of Sport Guidelines

3.         Edgemead Primary Sports : Goals

4.         Official sport codes and heads

5.         Coaching

6.         Team Selection

7.         Absence from practices and matches

8.        Cancellation of matches and practices

9.       Learner’s responsibilities

10.       Coach responsibilities

11.       Parents’ responsibilities

12.       Spectator’s Code of Conduct

13.       Learner’s Code of Conduct


We play sport for healthy recreation and enjoyment.  Learners have to be active every day. Physical activity stimulates growth and leads to improved physical and emotional health. Research has shown that the importance of physical activity in children is stronger than ever.  For EPS, sport is much more than just exercise, because it also contributes to a child’s development both psychologically and socially.  The sports field also creates an all-important learning environment for our learners where they can learn to cope, adapt, and function in a team environment.  These are all important skills that our learners will need to acquire and apply in adult life. Values are also instilled through sport.

The main objective of sport is enjoyment and basic skills development.  Learners must have fun in participating.  Sport must be instrumental in teaching learners how to deal with life situations and sportsmanship.

Coaches need to take time to create opportunities for experimenting, to celebrate successes, to make mistakes, to carry the consequences and to learn from them.

Learners are childlike and they do not have the experience or expertise of adults.

Sport is about developing participation and sportsmanship in pupils, coaches, teachers, parents and spectators.

Losing a match is just as important for personal development as winning.  To lose requires emotional control and constructive thinking.

Although we deem sport to be for healthy recreation and enjoyment, we always arrive with the intention to perform at our best and a desire to win.


The School Sport Guidelines apply to all staff members, parents, learners and coaches governed by the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996.  The purpose of these guidelines is to manage and regulate the delivery of school sports for all learners irrespective of ability, based on the principle of equity and access.  It defines procedure, practice, and a course of action.  Furthermore, it also serves as a mode of management and a code of conduct.  In essence, it is really a set of rules to govern behaviour and organisation of sport at our school.


  • To establish a healthy balance between achievement and participation
  • To promote participation in a variety of school sports
  • To help develop a true love for and enjoyment of the sport
  • To develop good sportsmanship, camaraderie and perseverance
  • To develop sporting skills
  • To offer quality coaching through the most appropriate coaching techniques, coaching courses and clinics
    • Integrity;
    • Respect;
    • Responsibility;
    • Discipline
    • Compassion
  • To realise and develop our learners talents
  • To promote the image of our school by focusing on key values such as:


The school’s management team, in consultation with the governing body, determines the school’s official sporting codes.  These sporting codes are organised by the school, receive funding from the annual school budget and are also recognised as part of the School’s Recognition Policy.


In addition to the codes provided above, pupils also participate in activities provided by approved persons other than teachers at EPS.

In these cases the sole role of the school is in providing the venues for these activities.  All administration and responsibility for these activities, rests with the “service provider”.

Examples of these activities are judo, karate, modern dancing, ballet, speech & drama, etc.  We encourage participation in these activities.  School sport engagements take preference to these activities.


Parents are to recognise that educators are appointed for their academic teaching skills within the classroom.

In order to extend our children and to give them as many opportunities as possible, all teachers are obliged to assist with sports administration and coaching.

It must be appreciated that not all teachers are competent in coaching.  In order to equip teachers, they attend coaching courses.

The ideal is always to have teachers as primary coaches at the various sporting codes.  Although they are exposed to coaching clinics, it must be clearly stated that this is not an expectation or obligation to which teachers will be subjected – teachers are primarily teachers and not sports coaches.

It is our policy that each team participating in matches or competitions, will be managed by a teacher.

We will endeavour to enlist parents with the required competencies, to become involved with the training, coaching or transport of players.

The management and team selection will remain with the teacher in charge who may of course consult with assistant coaches.

In many cases we negotiate with qualified coaches and employ them, particularly for our A teams.  Regrettably these “qualified” coaches are often not up to the standard and demand excessive fees for their expertise.

In making decisions about employing coaches, there should be a balance between needs, competence and costs.

Our coaches will always:

Place the emotional and physical well-being of players ahead of a personal desire to win.

Treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for the same age group.

Do our best to provide a safe playing situation for players.

Do our best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all players.

Lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all players.

Be knowledgeable in the rules of each sport that they coach, and will teach these rules to players.

Use coaching techniques appropriate for all of the skills that they teach.

Remember that they are a youth sports coach, and that the game is for children and not adults.

On match days they will always ensure that their teams are ready for the match.

On match days our team will always congratulate the other team by a formal hand shake.

Regardless of winning or losing, after every match coaches wilI always bring their team together to give them feedback, a post-match talk and congratulate them.

Inform parents of times, venues, dress code for matches or competitions.

*Please NOTE: In extra mural swimming is swimming training and not “teach to swim”. Leaners attending need to be able to swim a full length of the school pool in a stroke of their choice, without putting their feet down.


The selecting of teams to represent our school at matches or competitions is at the sole discretion of the team manager (teacher).

It is our policy to select the most talented players to be in A teams.  As far as possible, we rotate players to play in B or other teams.

Often other schools are not able to field more than an A team.  Competitions for B teams are thus limited to such an extent that all children may not get a turn to participate in a match or competition during the season.

Should a pupil not attend the practice preceding a match, he/she may be excluded from the team for that match.


At the beginning of a season, pupils sign up to play a sport.  This signing up constitutes a contract by which the child undertakes to attend all practices, matches and tournaments.

Should a pupil not be able to attend a practice for any reason, the teacher/coach in charge must be notified on the morning of the scheduled practice.  A letter or email from a parent is recommended.

Should a child miss a practice, he/she may not be considered for that week’s match.


Most matches are played during the week. There are, however, occasions when our children participate in tournaments and competitions on Saturdays. On these occasions, children are expected to represent their school in preference to their outside clubs.

Should a child not be able to participate in a match due to illness, the parent must inform the school during the first hour of the day.  Either call the secretary (021 558 1007) or email sport@edgemeadprimary.co.za or alternatively coaches first initial and surname @edgemeadprimary.co.za


It is our policy to try to proceed with matches and practices as far as possible.

In the case of inclement weather, we make the decision whether to proceed or not at 12:00 for Foundation Phase activities or 13:00 for Senior Primary activities.

Should a practice or match be cancelled, we inform parents thereof by means of an alert message on the school communicator.

Regrettably the cancellation of away matches is at the discretion of the “away” school.  These decisions may only be conveyed later than 13:00 and will also be placed as an alert on the school communicator.


Learners should be appropriately attired for practices and matches.

Learners should attend all scheduled practices.

Learners should be punctual.

Learners should be courteous and display good sportsmanship.

Learners may not play on or with any apparatus unless a coach is present.

Learners need to be respectful of coaches, referees and umpires.


Coaches should administer the sport professionally by keeping order, keeping attendance records, being punctual and coaching to the best of their abilities.

Learners and parents should be well informed of dates, times, venues and transport arrangements of all activities, particularly for away matches.


Parents are to ensure that their children have the necessary attire and kit for the sport.

Parents are encouraged to support their children by attending matches where possible.

Parents are to respect the decisions of the coach – particularly with the selection of teams.

Parents must ensure their children are punctual for all practices and matches and tournaments.


For the benefit of the orderly organisation and running of sport’s events during matches, practices and tournaments and to protect our pupils, Edgemead Primary has the following code of conduct for parents:

  • Parents should conduct themselves in a manner that they do not put the school, staff or leaners in a bad light and are an embarrassment to the school.
  • Parents should practise self-control and show mutual respect, courtesy and tolerance towards each other, the staff, coaches, outside coaches and pupils.
  • Teachers, coaches, outside coaches, pupils, participants, referees or adjudicators may not be intimidated.
  • Physical violence, profane and insulting language or rude signs during sports matches or any other extra-mural activities are not allowed.
  • Parents should show self-control and not react in an improper manner with regard to decisions made by referees and adjudicators- even if they did possibly make a mistake.
  • Coaches may not be interrupted during practices even if it is to give advice, make plans, to demand feedback or to discuss problems or complaints.
  • Sport practices may not be interrupted to interfere with team positions or team selections.
  • Parents may make an appointment with the Principal / Sports Administrator / Sport Code Head / Coaches at a suitable time and place, to discuss any enquiries, complaints, and suggestions.
  • Discussions between parents and staff/coaches must take place in a mutually courteous, constructive, controlled and respectful manner.
  • School sport property may not be removed from the school’s premises without permission from the Principal and in consultation with the staff member responsible for the property.


Participation in sport implies physical activity and involves competition, but there is a very important element of sportsmanship involved.  Therefore it is expected that all Edgemead Primary learners will abide by the following code:

  • Maintain a sense of balance. Play the game to win, but not to win at all costs.
  • Know the rules of the game and adhere to them.
  • Accept all the decisions made by the umpire or referee without backchat or moaning.
  • Control their emotions at all times.
  • A true sportsman/woman never loses his/her temper.
  • A true sportsman/woman will not look for excuses if he/she loses. Accept the fact that your defeat was because the opposition was superior on the day.
  • Be modest when winning and accept defeat with grace.
  • Always respect your team members, opposition, coaches and the staff of Edgemead Primary School.
  • A true Edgemedian never litters on a sports field or school grounds.
  • Be hospitable to visiting teams.
  • Always wear the correct (neat and clean) sports dress and attire.
  • Always act as ambassadors of this great school.


Cricket Rugby
Tennis Hockey (Girls and Boys)
Swimming Netball
Athletics Jnr & Snr Mini Hockey
Mini Rugby
Mini Cricket Mini Netball
Cross Country