Educators (2025)
Dear Parents
The Grade 3 teachers would like to extend a warm welcome to you as the Grade 3 parents of 2025. We trust that our relationship with you will be a positive one of commitment, co-operation and good communication throughout the year. With this in mind, we shall be scheduling an Orientation Evening for all Grade 3 parents on Wednesday, 22 January 2025 at 17:00 in the hall.
Grade 3 Class Teachers for 2025:
Miss T Ferreira: Gr3Fe (Grade Head)
Mrs L Lawrence: Gr3La
Miss S Kwan: Gr3Kw
Mrs M Harris: Gr3Ha
Mrs C Johnson: Gr3Jo
Ms C Meyer: Gr3Me
Stationery requirements:
Below is a list of stationery requirements for 2025. Please note, this is a starter pack only and consumables may need to be replaced as the year progresses. Please ensure all items are individually and clearly marked. We start work on day 1 and all items need to be at school on the first day.
The display files are not to be marked.
In some cases we have indicated our preferred brands. We have found through extensive testing that these offer the best value while still remaining economical.
GRADE 3 | ||
Qty | Product | Description |
1 | Display file | Butterfly, 10 pocket, A4 |
4 | Display file | Butterfly, 20 pocket, A4 |
1 | Display file | Butterfly, 30 pocket, A4 |
1 | Plastic Carry Folder | A4 Any colour with press stud |
4 | Eraser | Large, plastic |
8 | Glue stick | 40g Pritt / Gloy / Bostick |
1 | Pencil | HB box of 12 |
1 | Pencil crayon | Box of 12 |
1 | Pencil bag | Canvas 33cm – zip in front |
1 | Ruler | Clear, shatter resist, 30cm No flexible rulers allowed |
1 | Scissors | 17cm |
1 | Sharpener | 2 hole with canister |
1 | Wax retractable | Bostik, packet of 12 |
1 | Whiteboard duster | Mini |
8 | Whiteboard marker | Blue |
1 | Whiteboard | Parrot, A4 |
Additional requirements:
Below is a grade specific list of requirements not included on the 2025 starter stationery pack list:
- Earphones to fit into a bank bag (must be clearly marked): – For use with iPads as required as school does not supply for health reasons. These are to be at school every day.

- 4 Large boxes of tissues (200s)
- A long-sleeved art shirt clearly marked.
- Lunch bag
- Gr2 Homework bag for taking books home
- Plastic for the covering of books to be kept at home.
Homework diary and uniform:
Please do not purchase your own homework diary as we prefer all children to have a standard homework book. This will be given to your child on the first day of school.
Please ensure that your child’s uniform and Physical Education clothes are complete and in good order for the new year. Each item of clothing must be clearly marked.
While 2023 & 2024 were years of transition for certain items, all transitions have now been completed. The published uniform and appearance policy will be strictly enforced from the first day of school in 2025.
Please refer to our school’s website with regards to uniform requirements.
We are looking forward to a successful 2025 and wish you a safe and relaxing festive season with your children.
Yours sincerely,
Grade 3 Teachers