About us

Welcome to Edgemead Primary School. 

Edgemead Primary is a state public school and is subject to the laws of the country as laid down by the South African Schools’ Act.  We strive to provide an excellent all round education based on the Revised National Curriculum Statement.

The school is governed by a Governing Body whilst the day to day management is undertaken by the Principal in consultation with a Leadership Team.

Our school plays an active part in the community and parents are encouraged to become part of the education process by being involved with school affairs.  Contact with the principal and teachers is encouraged.  Kindly make appointments via the secretary.

We communicate regularly with our parents by means of our school Communicator Software that is installed onto our parents home or work computers, our School Communicator is updated on a very regular basis.  Parents and pupils are encouraged to take note of the Communicator regards news, important calender dates, resources, gallery, homework etc. as these contain important information.  News is also updated on the school website every week under bulletin or news.

Brief History of School

Edgemead Primary School began operating in January 1979.  Originally the school was accommodated in a group of houses situated in Lombard Way. 

The school, accommodating  sub A, sub B and standard 1 pupils, had an enrolment of 98 pupils.  The founder principal was Mrs Maria Lerm. 

In January 1980 Edgemead Preparatory School officially became known as Edgemead Primary School as it now accommodated standard 2 pupils. Mr Michael King was appointed principal. Mr King served the school until his retirement at the end of 1996. Mr Fred van Vuuren was then appointed principal. Mr van Vuuren then retired in 2015 followed by the appointment of the now present principal Mr Gregory Stokell.

By 1982 the “school in the houses” could no longer accommodate the burgeoning enrolment and January 1983 saw the occupation of the present school buildings. Over the years the school’s facilities have been extensively expanded. We now have a large enrolment of some 1256 pupils who enjoy excellent, modern facilities.

School Badge

The bird represented is the Cornish Chough.  It is common in Cornwall, England, where the Stuttaford family, who established Garden Cities South Africa, originated.  The motto “Nil Sine Labore” means “nothing without hard work” – a fitting motto for a school which has achieved much through hard work in the academic, sporting, cultural and environmental spheres.

The distinctive Edgemead badge has been part of the school uniform since the very first year.  The colours and features on the badge were as a result of research done by Dr C. Parma, a heraldic expert.  Red and gold were chosen as the main colours as they echo the colours of the Edgemead Garden Cities Coat of Arms.  The Disa was originally found in the surrounding area before Port Jackson trees became invasive. 

School Song

The school song was written and composed by Mrs Ilse Miller.  At the time that she composed the words and music, Mrs Miller was the grandmother of one of our founder pupils.
It is with a sense of pride and achievement that we sing her inspiring words at assemblies.

Uphold the golden rule:
To honour God and self and school
Apply ourselves in every way
to do our best each day.
Respect, obedience, love of fellow man –
a joyous zeal, fulfilling all we plan.
With honest endeavour, striving to attain
real knowledge that is truly gain.
Do better and better, improving every day.
Nil Sine Labore!

We will not let ourselves down.
Build a name worthy of renown.
We’ll work at it, go for it,
Get the job done.
Without hard work
Nothing is won.

Repeat verse:

Uphold …